Selim Demirdelen
Selim Demirdelen
Selim Demirdelen-ISBANK 95th year
Selim Demirdelen -Hurriyet Newspaper- Freedom is mine
Selim Demirdelen - Atasay Valentine Days -TVC
Selim Demirdelen -Privacy
Selim Demirdelen -Redline

Selim Demirdelen -TEB_Indian Wedding
Selim Demirdelen- Atasay-you don't need words for love
Selim Demirdelen -Renault Megane
Selim Demirdelen -Eti Atabari
Selim Demirdelen -Siemens Italian
Selim Demirdelen -TEB_Oxford
Selim Demirdelen- Is Bank
Selim Demirdelen -Enza_IMAJ
Selim Demirdelen -Ulker Bizim Corba
Selim Demirdelen -Siemens Fransiz
Selim Demirdelen -Eti Karam Chocolate
Selim Demirdelen -Eti Tutku Tutkuluk
Selim Demirdelen -TT_mobile_Germany

Selim Demirdelen
Selim Demirdelen is a director and composer. He speaks German and English. He is multi-talented !
Selim was born in Stuttgart in 1969. After graduating from Istanbul University, he studied film at New York University for a short time. He then continued his master’s degree in the Department of Cinema and Television at Bilgi University. In 1994, Demirdelen won a prize for his first short films “Hasret” and “Çevre” at the IFSAK short film festival.
In 1998, Demirdelen started working freelance director. In 2002, he released his first album “Beat Bazaar”. In 2004, he was one of five directors of “Istanbul Tales” feature film. Its original Turkish title is "Anlat İstanbul" which means "Tell me Istanbul".
In 2006, Demirdelen founded the music recording studio “101”, and composed the film music for Serdar Akar’s film “Barda”.
In 2007 and 2008, he directed TV dramas “Bıicak Sirti”.
In 2010, Demirdelen won the "Best Director" and the "Best Music" prize with his feature film “Kavşak” in the Adana Altın Koza Film Festival.
Selim, has been working as an advertising director for quite a few years now.
IMDB PROFILE: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0218531/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1